What is justice?

Justice is people getting what they deserve; mercy is not getting what we do deserve. Justice seems to be found or not found in the judicial system? Justice would be similar to karma. What goes around comes around. Justice is maybe defined by each individual person, from each perspective, but only to a certain extent; because clearly in the situation of a criminal getting his punishment for his crimes and having justice be delivered to society, chances are the criminal is biased and do not feel like they were being treated justly or fairly. Justice is supposed to make sense. If the majority sees it fit, it’s more than likely the closest thing to justice one can receive. Maybe there is no such thing as real justice because how can you say justice has been served to a criminal when they have murdered your daughter and in the end your daughter is still deceased. Where is there justice in that? Justice would be doing the right things, or correcting the way something had been wronged. But even justice cannot undue the past. Justice could be different things for different people in all different situations. Eventually, just like karma, everyone should receive what they deserve for the actions and decisions/choices they have decided to make. But who’s to say who deserves what? A mentally unstable criminal may receive justice or what he needs/deserves is he receives mental help. No disorder excuses killing anyone, but who knows what was going on in their head while they did what they thought was potentially the best decision at the time, otherwise why would they have done it. Think about it in terms of self-defense, how could anyone receive justice in the situation where an attacker gets shot by the victim… the attacker is now dead and his family might feel like no justice is served if the victim gets free, but did the victim receive any justice in killing the attacker and how could you send someone to jail for self-defense in a situation like this. There is no justice in that situation; it would all be a matter of opinion after a certain point.

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