Library Visit

From this library visit, I learned how to really use the databases and internet library. I feel comfortable being able to do research from home now and being able to use good credible sources and not having to scan through a pile of books like I thought I would have to. I came in here for my speech class and was shown something similar but nowhere near as efficient and effective. I liked the worksheet a lot because it forced me to look at and look for things I normally wouldn’t have when I was by myself. I found a good tab for MLA formats and work cited and new 2009 revisions I didn’t know. Also I was able to already find a bunch of sources to use for my topic and how to save them so I can access them later. My personal librarian is really nice too; I would feel comfortable asking him for help. I am surely going to use this library website for most of my research findings, to help me find articles and books versus trying to discover all these sources on my own. Also I know that if it’s coming from the JWU library it should be credible? Or at least a lot more credible than Google alone. I liked the concept maps and how it changed every time you clicked on a word, instead of just hovering over it, to a new topic with that word as the center database. I liked looking for different databases instead of credo and academic support because I found one I think would fit perfectly into my topic. It’s opposing viewpoint sin context, how great for a topic like gay adoption rights! I also like that we can get the sources to a certain extent already cited for us. I wish I could have access to this library for the rest of my life to be honest.  I love learning and feel like this website will be incredibly useful beyond all beliefs. It’s amazing the technology we’re provided with at Johnson and Wales.

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